Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

JSNAs for Westminster & Kensington and Chelsea
Date document published: 
May 2024
Kensington and Chelsea

The Grenfell Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) has been refreshed during the final phases of the Council’s five-year Grenfell Recovery Strategy. The initial JSNA Report Journey to Recovery was published in 2018, the year following the tragedy.

This refresh is a continuation of the 2018 Journey to Recovery, as part of our ongoing commitment to continue reviewing the Grenfell services and the overall impact on the health and wellbeing of those who continue to be affected by the Grenfell tragedy. In doing so, it has drawn on a range of evidence and insights, to help those involved with recovery to shape their support, reflecting on: 

  • The characteristics of the communities prior to and following the tragedy.
  • Comparative analysis of data on Grenfell and the surrounding population up until present day to understand both the nature and scale of the impact.
  • The voice of people in the community on what matters most to those who have been affected and what is important in recovery to them. 

The purpose of the JSNA refresh is to build a continued and improved understanding of the ongoing impact of the Grenfell tragedy on survivors and bereaved and local residents. To aid the planning and delivery of the next phase of support collectively with the community, we aim to ensure that the right offer is in place for those most affected by the tragedy, now and in the future. This document summarises some of the evidence gathered since 2018. It sets out an initial view of what this evidence means for the longer-term needs of the community, focusing particularly on the challenges ahead in the next phase (2024-28). 

Thank you to those that have provided feedback on the published draft Grenfell JSNA in May 2024, which is now incorporated into the final updated documents. These documents have scrutinised, challenged and signed off by Adult Social Care & Health Select Committee & the Health & Wellbeing Board. 

The Public Health team will continue to work with partners to ensure that the 2024 recommendations are met, and the updates are routinely shared with the community.

If have any questions about the Grenfell JSNA Refresh 2024, please contact the team at